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【讲座公告】The Spillover Effects of Affirmative Action on Competitiveness and Unethical Behavior

发布时间:2017-09-29  浏览次数: 次  来源:伟德betvlctor体育官网

欧洲科学院院士Marie-Claire Villeval教授讲座通告

Seminar:The Spillover Effects of Affirmative Action on Competitiveness and Unethical Behavior

Talk:How to publish in Economics?

时间:2017年10月11日下午15:40 - 17:15


主讲人:Marie-Claire Villeval教授法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)-里昂大学


We conduct an artefactual field experiment to examine various spillover effects of Affirmative Action policies in the context of castes in India. We test a) if individuals who enter tournaments in the presence of an Affirmative Action policy remain competitive after the policy has been removed, and b) whether having been exposed to the policy generates unethical behavior and spite against subjects from the category who has benefited from the policy. We find that this policy substantially increases the beliefs on being a winner and the competitiveness of the backward caste members. However, we find no spillover effect on confidence and competitiveness once Affirmative Action is withdrawn.Furthermore, the discrimination by the dominant category against the backward category is not significantlyaggravated by Affirmative Action, except when individuals learn that they have lost the previous competition.


Marie-Claire Villeval教授是欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea),法国经济学会前主席和法国实验经济学会创会主席。Marie-Claire Villeval教授的研究领域包括实验经济学,行为经济学,神经元经济学和人事经济学,她的论文发表在Nature, Science, American Economic Review,Management Science, Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labour Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic behavior & Organization等学术界顶级期刊。Marie-Claire Villeval教授目前在 Management Science,Experimental Economics等多个国际顶级学术期刊担任主编和副主编,因其杰出学术贡献在法国被授予骑士勋章。

版权所有:伟德bevictor(源于英国1946)官方网站-中文版本  学院南路校区地址:北京市海淀区学院南路39号 邮编:100081 沙河校区地址:北京市昌平区沙河高教园区 邮编:102206 京ICP备05004636号 京公网安备110402430071号