讲座题目:The demand for longevity, health, and long-term care insurance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
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万程,男,澳大利亚人口老龄化研究中心研究员,他的研究关注中国养老与健康保险进行需求分析以及风险管理。万程于2011年、2008年分别获得比利时鲁汶大学统计学硕士学位以及武汉大学信息与计算科学学士学位。他于2012-2017年在韦莱韬悦研究与创新中心(武汉分部)对欧美养老系统进行研究,并担任本地研究主管。他的主要研究领域包括养老金设计与风险管理、个人养老规划、以及环境相关的健康风险。他的研究发表于Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,曾多次在American Risk and Insurance Association, International Actuarial Association Colloquium, Longevity, Netspar International Pension Workshop, Pensions and Retirement Research Colloquium等国际保险精算会议上分享研究。

We conducted an online survey on a sample of 1,000 urban Chinese people of retirement age to elicit and analyse preferences for retirement insurance products to cover longevity, health and long-term care (LTC) risks in the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. We designed a sequence of choice tasks to elicit the preferred allocation of retirement financial assets across a savings account, a life annuity, critical illness insurance and LTC insurance and the extent to which access to health-contingent insurance could lead people to release precautionary savings to purchase longevity insurance. The survey also collected comprehensive data on personal preferences, financial competence, demographics and socioeconomic indicators and variables measuring the effects of COVID-19 on personal finances, mental stress and risk-taking behaviour. On average, the most preferred retirement portfolio comprised health-contingent insurance that covers 50% of the expected out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for critical illnesses and LTC, a monthly annuity of about 19.6% of the average disposable income in urban China, with the remaining retirement wealth placed in a savings account. However, portfolio composition varied considerably by individual background. The portfolio that covers 50% of the OOP costs for LTC was most effective to release precautionary savings to increase annuitisation. Findings inform the development of retirement products in China and other developing economies facing population ageing and incomplete insurance markets.