讲座题目:Impact of urban-rural medical insurance integration on consumption: Evidence from rural China
Abstract:Examining the impact of basic medical insurance integration on households’ welfare is essential for finding policy solutions for health and welfare inequality.Based on the various implementation time of theurban-rural medical insuranceintegration in different prefectural cities of China,weemploy a staggered difference-in-differences model to study the impact of this integration on rural household consumption. Using the survey data of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study from 2011 to 2018,wefind that the integration policy increases the non-medical consumptionby14%. The effect is more significant for non-food consumption as the price elasticity of non-food demand is larger than that of food. As for the mechanism,wefind evidence of the direct channel of reducing medical burden, andwealso provide some indirect indication of the precautionary savings channel that the effect of medical insurance on household consumption is more significant for households withlowerwealth or higher health risks.The policy implication of our findings is considerable since they provide a strong justification for social insurance integration as the solution of healthand welfareinequality.
主讲人简介:丁宇刚,广东外语外贸大学金融学院云山青年学者,北京大学经济学院博士,伟德betvlctor体育官网硕士和本科。主要研究方向为风险管理与保险学、气候金融与可持续发展等。在Geneva Paper on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice、《管理评论》等国内外权威期刊发表论文10篇。在欧洲经济学年会、美国风险管理与保险学年会、计量经济学亚洲年会、中国青年经济学者年会等国内外著名学术会议报告论文。参与多项国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、发改委课题等项目。
